PCA professional biocide user register

Safe woodworm and Dry Rot treatment – assured

Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan is Technical Director of Brick-Tie Limited

The modern chemicals used for treatment of woodworm and dry rot are safe. Safe woodworm treatments are essential. However, the truth is that any chemical used incorrectly or even disposed of improperly can cause harm. This could be harm to the technician using the material; a customer of ours having work done or, the environment.

Great progress has been made in formulating safe woodworm fluids but really, they are only as safe as the person specifying and applying them in your home or office. This is why good training and supervision is crucial. The Property Care Association have now established a National register for professional biocide users. To be accepted onto this register users must be able to demonstrate they are competent to carry out chemical treatment safely and in an environmentally acceptable way.

The good news is that all of Brick-Tie’s technicians will be registered by the end of the year and…. two of our technicians are already registered.

When Adam Orton received his Professional biocide users registration card he discovered he’s the first technician in the country to be added to the list. His card number is 001! Our second registered user is Richard Waite who now has card number 009.  Safe woodworm and rot treatment are in stock – now applied by officially safe technicians too. The rest of the team are due for their examinations in November, but until then we all must bow our heads in respect to our trailblazing duo!

safe woodworm treatment PCA professional biocide user register
Richard won the PCA Apprentice of the year award 2018 and is only the ninth person to be approved for inclusion on the PCA professional biocide users register – card number 009!

For further information on woodworm and its treatment see these additional pages:

Timber and rot FAQ

Woodworm – is it active




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